Blogger Widgets Obelizk Spot: 2014
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Saturday, 12 April 2014

Tips Sukses UN


Tips Sukses Ujian Nasional (UN)

Buat kamu – kamu yang lagi pada semangat belajar buat persiapan Ujian Nasional, ada beberapa tips yang dapat kamu praktekkan agar kamu bisa menghadapi Ujian Nasional dengan sukses dan mendapatkan hasil yang baik ( sesuai harapan… )
1. Hadapilah UN dengan tenang dan proporsional
Hadapilah ujian ini dengan sikap yang tenang dan proporsional bahwa ujian sebagai sesuatu yang harus dihadapi dan dilalui bukan disikapi dengan protes apalagi sampai mogok makan…… Sikap tenang akan memungkinkan kita menyusun rencana menentukan strategi dan menjalaninya dengan senang.
2. Bersikaplah proaktif
Proaktif adalah suatu sikap yang beranggapan bahwa kita sendirilah yang menentukan keberhasilan dan kegagalan dalam hidup ini, termasuk dalam menghadapi UN. Yakinlah bahwa kerja keras dan usaha keras yang kita lakukan akan membuahkan hasil. Dalam menyikapi standar minimal yang telah ditentukan, justru yang terbaik adalah kita sendiri membuat patokan standar nilai minimal. Misalnya, menargetkan 7,01 , 8,01 atau 9,01 sehingga yang muncul adalah tantangan bukan beban. INGAT… JANGAN BERHARAP DAPAT CONTEKAN ATAU BOCORAN YA…
3. Buatlah rencana
Menghadapi ujian dapat diibaratkan sebagai perjalanan menuju sukses. Sebagaimana perjalanan sukses, sudah sepatutnya kita membuat perencanaan. Dari sekian banyak bahan pelajaran yang harus dipelajari, dipilah-pilah antara bahan UN dari pusat dengan bahan ujian dari sekolah. Antara bahan kelas satu, kelas dua, dan kelas tiga, pelajaran hitungan dan hafalan, sehingga dapat dipelajari dengan teratur dan sistematis. Model belajar semacam itu dapat meringankan dan lebih mengefektifkan cara kerja otak. Salah satu hukum otak yaitu dapat bekerja maksimal dengan cara teratur dan sistematis. Ingat… JANGAN SKS… SISTEM KEBUT SEMALAM… HE..HE..
4. Perbanyaklah baca dan latihan soal
Salah satu kelebihan yang dimiliki oleh lembaga bimbingan belajar adalah para siswa banyak berlatih memecahkan soal-soal dengan cepat. Kita dihadapkan pada soal-soal yang harus dijawab dan dipecahkan dengan tepat. Dengan sering kita berlatih maka kita terbiasa dan terlatih, sehingga tidak cemas atau grogi dalam menghadapi soal (ujian). TAPI… KONSEP YANG DIAJARKAN OLEH GURU DI SEKOLAH LEBIH PENTING LOH… SETUJU KAN ???!!!
5. Belajar kelompok
Belajar kelompok merupakan salah satu cara yang dapat dipakai para siswa untuk berbagi dengan teman yang lain dalam memecahkan soal dan saling menguatkan motivasi belajar dan prestasi. Para siswa daripada banyak bermain dan membuang-buang waktu dengan percuma, manfaatkanlah dengan cara belajar berkelompok dengan teman di sekolah atau di sekitar tempat tinggal kita. INGAT… MANFAATKAN WAKTU UNTUK BELAJAR… BELAJAR ITU TERMASUK IBADAH LOH…
6. Efektifkan belajar di sekolah
Masih terdapat siswa yang datang ke sekolah dan hadir di kelas dengan alakadarnya atau sekadar hadir, tidak mengoptimalisasikan semua potensi dirinya untuk meraih hasil terbaik dalam daya serap materi maupun prestasinya. Padahal jika dimaksimalkan, niscaya hasilnya akan lebih bagus kalaupun tidak ditambah dengan les-les yang lain di luar jam sekolah. Pada umumnya, para siswa kurang menggunakan kemampuan nalarnya dalam belajar, baru sebatas menghafal. Siswa juga masih kurang untuk bertanya, berdialog bahkan berdebat dengan gurunya. Padahal kemampuan bertanya salah satu upaya untuk memperkuat pemahamaman atau pengertian dan keterampilan belajar. PERCAYALAH… GURU ITU SELALU BERUSAHA BERBUAT YANG TERBAIK BUAT SISWANYA…
7. Mohon doa restu dari orang tua
Yakinlah bahwa jika kita lulus maka orang tua kita akan senang dan bangga. Jadikanlah perjuangan menghadapi UN 2010 sebagai ajang untuk mempersembahkan yang terbaik kepada kedua orang tua kita tercinta. Mohon doa restulah pada orang tua agar kita diberi kemudahan dan kelancaran. Kedua orang tua kita akan dengan senang mendoakan putra-putrinya yang sedang berjuang menghadapi UN. INGAT… RIDHO ALLAH TERGANTUNG RIDHO ORANG TUA…
8. Lakukan sholat malam
Adalah sombong yang beranggapan bahwa keberhasilan kita semata-mata usaha dan kerja keras kita sendiri tanpa keikutsertaan Allah SWT. Untuk itu dengan segala kerendahan diri dan hati di hadapan-Nya, kita bersujud yang lama di setiap rakaat terakhir dari sholat malam, kita panjatkan doa agar diberi kesehatan, kemudahan dalam mengerjakan soal-soal UN nanti, dan kelulusan. Allah Maha Tahu dan tentu akan mendengarkan dan mengabulkan doa hamba-hamba-Nya

Pro Evolution Soccer : 2013 (PC)

In Pro Evolution Soccer 2013, players are given greater freedom over ball control and the way players receive and trap the ball has been improved. Also in PES 2013, characters are more recognizable and the game is more balanced than ever before.

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Saturday, 22 March 2014

Assassin’s Creed IV - Black Flag (PC)

It is 1715. Pirates rule the Caribbean and have established a lawless pirate republic. Among these outlaws is a fearsome young captain named Edward Kenway. His exploits earn the respect of pirate legends like Blackbeard, but draw him into an ancient war that may destroy everything the pirates have built.
Set sail on the high seas in Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, a pirate-filled adventure in the Assassin’s Creed saga. Become Edward Kenway, a charismatic yet brutal pirate captain, trained by Assassins. Command your ship, the Jackdaw, and strike fear in all who see her. Plunder and pillage to upgrade the Jackdaw with ammunition and equipment needed to fight off enemy ships as you venture out to discover the most diverse Assassin’s Creed world ever created.

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SimCity (PC)

The franchise that laid the foundations of the city building simulation genre is back, empowering players to create the world of their imagination! This new edition of SimCity marks a true rebirth of the franchise that brings the depth of simulation that has been the series hallmark for more than two decades and marries it with next generation accessibility and a robust multiplayer mode, giving players the power to change a world together. Players take charge of their own customized cities and build a world that co-exists alongside friends. For the first time in SimCity franchise history, players’ decisions will have long-lasting repercussions that will extend beyond their city limits. Together, players will address real global challenges such as climate change, the search for renewable resources and natural disasters. It’s up to the players to decide whether to compete or collaborate to shape the world of tomorrow — for better or for worse.

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Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 (PC)

Takes the bulls-eye precision of its best-selling predecessor to new and exciting heights. Powered by CryEngine 3 technology, the missions of Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 are graphically stunning and more challenging as you once again step into the ghillie suit of a special ops sniper to take down the enemy.
The game starts with player taking control of private security consultant Captain Cole Anderson, in the Philippines, with CIA Special Agent Diaz making their way to an old Russian radar post to destroy it while working on a tip that some mercenaries had assembled there to broker a deal for a bio-agent WMD. While Diaz destroys it, he overhears enemy radio chatter about the capture of a spy working for the PSC by the mercenaries. Diaz commands a team to rescue the operative while Anderson makes his way to provide covering fire from a cave overlooking the resort, where the soldier is being held captive and where the supposed deal is scheduled to take place. They save the soldier, however while monitoring the deal Anderson sees one of the dealers to be Merinov, an old aquantaince from his past, and subsequently the entire team is ambushed by an enemy sniper and everyone except Anderson is either killed or captured. Anderson heads to a village to intercept the transfer of the bio-weapon as well as his captured teammates. He manages to rescue Diaz and Gomez just as they are about to be executed, however the Bio-Weapon is lost. Both agents link up with Anderson, but Gomez is killed while escaping from the pursuing mercenaries. After successfully escaping their pursuers Diaz remarks, "it's Sarajevo all over again".

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Thursday, 13 March 2014

Pyongyang Mass Games, North Korea

Picture of children holding tiles to create the face of a soldier during the annual mass games in Pyongyang, North Korea

Photograph by David GuttenfelderNational Geographic
Children mobilized for the annual mass games in Pyongyang, North Korea, act as pixels to portray a happy patriot in uniform.

Bubbles, Cartagena

Picture of people enjoying an afternoon outdoors in Cartagena, Colombia

Photograph by Massimo Rumi
National Geographic

On Sundays during Mes de la Cometas, or Kite Month, the sky over Cartagena, Colombia, fills with colorful kites moving in every direction. "I knew this was a great opportunity for photography," says Your Shot contributor Massimo Rumi, who on arriving at a park found that the many colors, families, and kids presented a larger challenge than expected. "Flying a kite is a family sport in Cartagena, and I wanted to capture a family moment of relaxation and fun," he says.
Having come across a dog chasing soap bubbles, Rumi first tried to focus on the animal, then suddenly zoomed out. "I wanted to capture the whole family, and the bubbles unexpectedly helped frame the people in such a perfect way."

Basketball Court, Hong Kong

Picture of a player on an outdoor basketball court in Hong Kong

Photograph by Brian Yen
National Geographic

Your Shot contributor Brian Yen calls it his "weekly photography fix": the uninterrupted hour and a half after he drops his daughter off at her ballet lesson, which he spends shooting pictures in the school's neighborhood. "I had encountered this scene in the past, but always with many players on the court," he says of this image, shot from a pedestrian overpass above Garden Road in Hong Kong. "But this time, near the end of my walk, I saw this lone player shooting hoops. The contrast with the Friday evening rush hour traffic was immediately obvious."

Sunday, 23 February 2014

Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Online (PC)

Ghost Recon Online offers players the ability to choose between three different classes of Ghost, customize their weapons, deploy cutting-edge military technology, and share intel with their team. Ghost Recon Online also features a rich lobby platform for hosting social and persistent progression features. Ubisoft also will back the game with a full set of services, including regular events and game content updates, customized content based on community feedback, and live support.

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Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Island Thunder (PC)

Part of the Group for Specialized Tactics, a Special Mission Unit under the direct command of the Joint Special Operations Command, the elite of the modern US Special Forces is better known by their battlefield legend. They are the untraceable soldiers called the Ghosts. Only the best of the best, soldiers with a unique mix of skills on and off the battlefield, ever get to wear the coveted Ghost insignia. In the near future, four of these elite soldiers serve as the tip of the spear in a hidden war raging across the globe. But even as Ghost Lead, Pepper, 30K, and Kozak accomplish their objectives, they discover the threat they face is greater than they ever imagined — one that could alter the international balance of power forever.

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Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon:Desert Siege (PC)

The Red Army is back. Now that Russia’s government has collapsed, a hardline leader is bent on taking over the republics. Enter Ghost Recon, an advanced, futuristic squad of U.S. Army soldiers. Unlike previous Rainbow Six games, the setting is much more focused on the military instead of anti-terrorist maneuvers. Next-generation inventory and weapons will give players a glimpse into the real U.S. Army “Land Warrior” program on which Ghost Recon is based.

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Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 (PC)

Embody Captain Scott Mitchell as he commands the Ghosts and Special Forces allies equipped with the IWS in the quest to save the president of the United States, recover stolen nuclear codes and eliminate a vicious band of renegade soldiers hell-bent on unleashing catastrophe. Amongst the major features in Advanced Warfighter is the new Cross-Cam eye-piece communication device, utilizing the power of the Xbox 360 to deliver consistent and complete battlefield awareness.

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Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter (PC)

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter (GRAW) is the third installment in the popular Ghost Recon tactical shooter video gameseries, published by Ubisoft in 2006. As in previous Ghost Recon games, players command their team of Ghosts while neutralizing hostile forces and completing various mission objectives. These objectives can range from escorting friendly units across the map to rescuing hostages or taking out enemy artillery.
Being a tactical shooter, Advanced Warfighter places emphasis on using cover effectively in order to stay alive, together with sound strategic co-ordination to successfully complete mission objectives. A new feature is the Integrated Warfighter System, a system based upon the Future Force Warrior program.
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2, the game's direct sequel, was released a year later, in 2007.
In 2013, the U.S. Army will implement the Integrated Warfighter System evolving what we know as the modern soldier. IWS combines advanced weapon systems, satellite communication devices and enhanced survivability into one fully integrated combat system. The IWS program has been developed to meet these new threats head on. Now, it can be tested on the battlefield.

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Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell: Double Agent (PC)

Veteran agent Sam Fisher is back. But he’s never faced an enemy like this before. To stop a devastating terrorist attack, he must infiltrate a vicious terrorist group and destroy it from within. For the first time ever, experience the relentless tension and gut-wrenching dilemmas of life as a double agent. As you infiltrate a terrorist organization in its American headquarters, you must carefully weigh the consequences of your actions. Kill too many criminals and you’ll blow your cover. Hesitate too long and millions will die. Do whatever it takes to complete your mission, but get out alive.

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The Chronicles of Riddick:Escape From Butcher Bay – Developer’s Cut (PC)

The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay – Developer’s Cut immerses players in the savage nightmare of Butcher Bay prison with voice performances by an impressive cast including Vin Diesel as Riddick, Cole Hauser, Kristin Lehman, Xzibit, Ron Perlman and Michael Rooker. Blending action and stealth elements, the game takes players on a journey through the harsh environments of the slam — dank tunnels, dimly lit corridors, and other hazardous areas filled with enemy guards, savage inmates and deadly creatures that prowl the darkness.

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Friday, 21 February 2014

Monkey Island 2 Special Edition LeChuck’s Revenge (PC)

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge is an adventure game developed and published by LucasArts in 1991. It was the second game of theMonkey Island series, following The Secret of Monkey Island, and the sixth LucasArts game to use the SCUMM engine. It was the first game to use the iMUSE sound system.
The game's story centers on the wannabe pirate Guybrush Threepwood. After defeating ghost pirate LeChuck in The Secret of Monkey Island, little is known of what happened between Guybrush Threepwood and Elaine Marley. The sequel involves Guybrush's attempts to find the mysterious treasure of Big Whoop.
The development team for Monkey Island 2 was largely the same as for the first game in the series. The project was led by Ron Gilbert, and he was once more joined by Tim Schafer and Dave Grossman. The game was a critical and commercial success. Its HD remake was released in 2010.
This is the sequel to the original Secret of Monkey Island game by Lucasarts. Guybrush Threepwood travels to Scabb Island to search for the legendary treasure. Little does he know that Pirate LeChuck has been resurrected as a zombie and plans to take his revenge.

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Onimusha 2 Samurai’s Destiny (PC)

The Onimusha saga continues in Onimusha 2. Set 13 years after the original game, Onimusha 2 features a new cast of characters.
Yagyuu Juyuubei, a traveling swordsman, has returned to his hometown only to find it under siege. The aggressor is none other than Nobunaga Oda, the same undead warlord who plagued the first game’s hero. Starting with only his sword and his surpreme combat skills, Yagyuu vows to defeat Nobunaga and free his homeland from terror.

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Geoff Crammond’s Grand Prix 4 (PC)

It might not be the hands-down best Formula 1 game currently available, but it’s certainly a solid racing game that’s deserving of your attention.
For the better part of the last decade, British software designer Geoff Crammond has been involved in the creation of the finest Formula 1 racing games for the PC. Starting with World Circuit in 1993 and leading up to Grand Prix 3 in 2000, Geoff Crammond’s racing games have been the undisputed champions of F1 by capturing the true essence of all aspects of this widely popular motorsport, from track design to driver behavior. But it could be argued that these games’ stature is due as much to the lack of noteworthy competition as it is to their quality and realism. Certainly, at the time of Grand Prix 3′s release, most other F1 games up to that point were too forgiving in their physics, took too much creative license in regard to their level of realism, or simply had several glaring problems or omissions. Geoff Crammond’s Grand Prix 4 carries on the series’ tradition of being the most realistic F1 game for the PC–but it’s no longer the only player on the market. Specifically, Grand Prix 4 faces stiff competition from Electronic Arts’ recently released F1 2002, and as authentic as Geoff Crammond’s latest game might be, this time it can’t be crowned the champ by default.

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King's Bounty Armored Princess (PC)

King's Bounty: Armored Princess is a 2009 strategy video game developed for Microsoft Windows by Katauri Interactive and published in most regions by 1C Company. It is the sequel to the strategy game King's Bounty: The Legend, which is itself based on concepts from the much older King's Bounty developed years earlier by New World Computing. While the mechanics of the game do not differ significantly from that of the previous year's release, it features a new heroine and other minor new elements.
An expansion pack, King's Bounty: Crossworlds, was released in 2010, with a rebalanced and extended campaign, as well as two additional ones, and an editor to create additional content.
King’s Bounty: Armored Princess does more of the same really well, torrents games. The stand-alone expansion to 2008′s cult hit King’s Bounty: The Legend adds virtually nothing to the original’s strategy role-playing game formula, but the game does all of the by-the-numbers stuff so perfectly that you can’t help but love the deja vu. While developer Katauri Interactive isn’t going to win any awards for innovation here, this is still a must-play for anyone who loves this genre.

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Thursday, 20 February 2014

Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater HD (PC)

A few years back, Activision denied Tony Hawk’s pitch to re-release the first four Pro Skater games in an HD package. “They knew better than I did that they didn’t have time to develop it in short of a year, that it wasn’t the right time,” Hawk told IGN. Holding off worked out for the better, he explained. It opened up new opportunities. “Now we can do it as digital content and make it that much less expensive,” he said. “We’re releasing this game for $15, which is totally unheard of for a big franchise game.”
More importantly, he sees Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater HD as more than a sloppy cash-in on nostalgia. “The dream for me is to release this as the base line for other best-of levels,” said Hawk, “but mostly so we can set a foundation and release new stuff.”
Hawk knows all to well that “the skate genre is almost nonexistent” these days. What better time to bring it back, and in what better form than the one that started it all?

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Marc Eckō's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure (PC)

Getting Up builds a cohesive and entertaining world without sacrificing gameplay, resulting in a really great overall package.
Getting Up is a reference to getting your name up on the wall, not necessarily climbing up to huge heights to do so. But in Marc Ecko’s new graffiti-laced action game, Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure, you’ll have plenty of chances to do both. As a mixture of third-person fighting, Prince of Persia-like acrobatics, and frequent stops to get your name up on various surfaces around the near-future city of New Radius, there’s a good deal of variety to the action in the game. But Getting Up has more to offer than just exciting gameplay. The story, dialogue, soundtrack, and look of the game all contribute a great deal to the flavor and authenticity of the package. The end result is an interesting and often-exciting adventure that should be appealing to most action-game fans, but will probably hold extra appeal if you’re at all interested in graffiti and the culture surrounding it.

The game puts you in the role of a writer named Trane. We mean writer in the “likes to write his name on walls with markers, stickers, and paint” sense. The game opens with Trane hanging off the side of some sort of flying ship and wondering how, exactly, he got himself into this predicament. The rest of the game is, for the most part, one big flashback. But never fear–you’ll eventually deduce how, exactly, Trane got himself into that mess. What starts out as a simple coming-of-age, lone-graffiti-artist-against-a-rival-gang sort of tale eventually goes into a completely different direction. When you start out, you’ll be motivated to strike back against the Vandals of New Radius, or VaNR. But by the end of the game, you’ll have taken things to that proverbial “other level,” where you’ll be lashing out at the government from behind a paint roller. The game essentially becomes Turk 182 at some point.

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Saturday, 15 February 2014

Avenged Sevenfold - Gunslinger

Download Song Here

Yeah, you've been alone
I've been gone for far too long
But with all that we've been through
After all this time I'm coming home to you


Never let it show
The pain I've grown to know
’Cause with all these things we do
It don't matter when I'm coming home to you

Dm                                    C
I reach towards the sky I've said my goodbyes
Am                             A#
My heart's always with you now
Dm                               C
I won't question why so many have died
Am                                 A#
My prayers have made it through yeah
’Cause with all these things we do
C                                                            Dm
It don't matter when I'm coming home to you


Letters keep me warm
Helped me through the storm
But with all that we've been through
After all this time I'm coming home to you

Dm                                     C
I reach towards the sky I've said my goodbyes
Am                            A#
My heart's always with you now
Dm                               C
I won't question why so many have died
Am                                 A#
My prayers have made it through yeah
Cause with all these things we do

C                                                           Dm
It don't matter when I'm coming home to you

I've always been true

I've waited so long just to come hold you

I'm making it through

It's been far too long, we've proven our

Love over time’s so strong, in all that we do

The stars in the night, they lend me their light

to bring me closer to heaven with you

(Bring me closer)

But with all that we've been through
After all this time I'm coming home to you

I reach towards the sky I've said my goodbyes
My heart's always with you now
I won't question why so many have died
My prayers have made it through yeah
’Cause with all these things we do
It don't matter when I'm coming home to you

And with all that we've been through
After all this time I'm coming home to you
Ultimate Guitar

Avenged Sevenfold - Almost Easy

Download Song Here

Intro: Dm C Gm Bb – C (x2) 

D5 C5 – Bb5 – C5 – D5 (Bb5-A5-) 
D5 C5 – Bb5 – C5 – D5 

I feel    insane 
Every single time I’m asked to compromise 
‘Cause I’m    afraid and stuck in my ways 
And that’s the way it stays 
So how long did I expect love 
to outweigh ignorance 
By the look on your face 
I may have forced the scale to tip  

Chorus 1: 
    D5  - C5 
I’m not insane 
    Bb5          C5 - C#5 
I`m not insane 
    D5 - C5 
I’m not insane 
    Bb5  F5 – E5 
I’m not… not insane 

Come back to me it’s almost easy 
(Said it all) 
Come back again it’s almost easy 
Shame  pulses through my heart 
From the things I’ve done to you 
     (G5 -A5)-D5 
It’s hard to   face 
But the fact remains that this is nothing new 
I left you bound and tied with suicidal memories 
Selfish beneath the skin 
But deep inside I’m not insane 

Chorus 2: 
    D5 - C5 
I’m not insane 
    Bb5        C5 – C#5 
I’m not insane… 
    D5  - C5 
I’m not insane 
    Bb5  C5 – C#5 
I’m not… not insane 

Come back to me it’s almost easy 
(Said it all) 
Come back again it’s almost easy 
(You’ll learn your lesson) 
Come back to me it’s almost easy 
(But first you fall) 
Come back again it’s almost easy 

Interlude: D5 C5 – Bb5 – C5 – D5 
           (Bb5-A5-) D5   C5 – Bb5 – C5 – D5… | 
           (G5-G#5) | D5… F5-G5 – G#5   F5-G5 – G#5 (x2) | 
           Dm   C   Gm   Bb – C (x2) 

Dm                        F  
Now that I’ve lost you it kills me to say 
(Hurts to say) 
     C                          A               Bb 
I’ve tried to hold on as you’ve slowly slipped away 
I’m losing the fight 
     C                        A              Bb 
I’ve treated you so wrong now let me make it right 
(Make it all right) 

Chorus 3:  

    Dm - C 
I’m not insane 
    Bb        Bb-Bb13-Dm   Bb 
I’m not insane… 
(Ha ha ha ha ha...) 
    Dm - C 
I’m not insane 
    Bb     Bb – C 
I’m not… not insane 

Come back to me it’s almost easy 
(Said it all) 
Come back again it’s almost easy 
 (You’ll learn your lesson) 
Come back to me it’s almost easy 
(Still you’ll fall)  

Come back again it’s almost easy  

Ending: D5   C5 – Bb5 – C5 – D5… (Bb5-A5-) 

D5   C5 – Bb5 – C5 – D5… | *(G#5-A5)-G#5
Chord Frenzy